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Bingham Medal Award Rules and Selected Guidelines

[Awards][Bingham Medalists]

Rules to Govern the Bingham Medal Award

The E. C. Bingham Medal shall be awarded, usually on an annual basis but in any event not more often, at the Annual Meeting of The Society of Rheology. The medal may be awarded to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the field of rheology, provided that he or she has not previously received the award. There is no restriction as to age of the recipient.

The Bingham medalist shall be chosen in the following manner. A Bingham Award Committee shall be appointed by the President in conformity with the rules of the Society. The Committee will consist of seven members, each serving a three-year term, and they shall be appointed in a 2, 2, 3-year cycle. The Bingham Award Committee shall consider, in any manner consistent with procedures established by the Executive Committee, all nominations submitted by any member of The Society. At a designated time, usually by April 1 and prior to any Spring Executive Committee meeting, the Chair of The Bingham Award Committee shall convey its decision to the President and the Secretary of The Society. The President in turn shall transmit the decision to the Executive Committee for action. The official announcement of the award shall be made by the Secretary in advance of actual presentation, preferably in the Summer Bulletin.

Selected Guidelines for the Bingham Award Committee

  1. Nominations shall include the following information about the nominee in the form of a two-page summary:
    • A brief scientific biography.
    • A review of those accomplishments upon which the nomination is based.
    • A concise evaluation of the importance of the nominee's contributions in advancing the science of rheology.
  2. The nomination must also include:
    • A nomination letter from someone other than the nominee.
    • A curriculum vitae with publication list.
    • Supporting letters (no more than 4) from other rheologists that address the nominee's contributions.
    • A 50-word citation, written by the nominator, which would be used in the event the nominee receives the award.
  3. Unsuccessful nominations will be reconsidered in a subsequent year, after which nomination packages need to be resubmitted.
  4. Members of the Bingham Award Committee should not be involved in nominating a candidate or writing letters of support. Supporting letters written by committee members prior to being appointed are acceptable.

[Awards][Bingham Medalists]

Please e-mail suggestions and comments to albertco@umche.maine.edu.
Updated 03 December 2017