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The Society of Rheology

68th Annual Meeting (Feb 1997)

Symposium V: Visualization and Optical Methods

Chair: J. van Egmond

  Thursday, February 20, 1997
Room: Elissa

8:05V1: In-Situ Polarizing Optical Microscopy of a Flow-Induced Isotropic-Nematic Transition in a Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymer, Mather, P. T., Romo-Uribe, A., Han, C. D.
8:30V2: Deformation and Relaxation of Mono-and Bilayer Domains of Liquid Crystalline Langmuir Films, Lauger, J., Fuller, G. G., Frank, C. W., Robertson, C. R.
8:55V3: Two-Dimensional Light Scattering Studies on "Sharkskin" Melt Fracture, Inn, Y. W., Packard,D. L., Fisher, R. J., Shaw, M. T.
9:20V4: A Flow Light Scattering Investigation of the Conformation of Polymer Molecules in Solutions Under Shear, Lee, E. C., Solomon, M. J., Muller, S. J.

  Room: Elissa

10:10V5: Conformational Behavior of Semi-Flexible Macromolecules: Effect of Shear Flow, Immaneni, A. , McHugh, A. J.
10:35V6: Rheo-Optical Investigation of Worm-Like Polymers in Solution, Gatzonis, Y., van Egmond, J. W.
11:00V7: Elongational Flow Opto-Rheometry and Its Application to Some Polymer Melts, Kotaka, T., Kojima, A., Kubo, H., Okamoto, M.
11:25V8: A Digital Image Processing Technique to quantify Deformation and Slip Velocities During the Rheological Characterization of Materials, Gadala-Maria, F., Kolli, V. G., Hanna, T. G., McNeill, S. R., Sutton, M. A.
11:50V9: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Apparent Slip Effects in Xanthan Solutions, Rofe, C. J., de Vargas, L. , Perez-Gonzalex, J., Lambert, R. K., Callaghan, P. T.

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Updated 5-Jan-97