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Nominations for the 2018 Bingham Award

[Awards][Bingham Medalists]

Nominations are invited for the 2018 Bingham Award. Nomination materials should be combined electronically into a single concatenated PDF file and uploaded at https://www.rheology.org/SoRBinghamNom/, following the instructions found there. The single concatenated PDF file must not exceed 3 MB. The deadline for submission is FEBRUARY 20, 2018.

The 2018 Bingham Medalist will be selected by the Bingham Award Committee, currently chaired by David Venerus (venerus@iit.edu), and confirmed by the SoR Executive Committee. Nominators will be informed of the outcome shortly thereafter. The 2018 Bingham Medalist will be named publicly in the Rheology Bulletin and at the next Annual meeting.

For details, see rules and some selected guidelines governing the Bingham Award.

[Awards][Bingham Medalists]

Please e-mail suggestions and comments to albertco@umche.maine.edu.
Updated 19 February 2019